URSUS – Ukraine, Germany, Bulgaria, Georgia , 2019, 111 min., Romantic fairy tale
Director: Otar Shamatava
Writers: Zaza Buadze, Otar Shamatava
Cast: Nika Tavadze, Joséphine de La Baume, Bogdan Benyuk, Ilka Zafirova Georges Corraface, Christian Ulmen
Georgia 1991: the civil war is in full action. Nika, a talented film director is dreaming of getting the Berlinale’s ‘Golden Bear’ one day. Unfortunately, a fire destroys the negative of his unfinished movie. Before being transported to the Berlin zoo the lovely Caucasian studio bear Chola alsobecomes victim of the turmoil. Drowned in despair Nika decides to leave his motherland in the friendly company of Toma, a former stuntman. They pass through Bulgaria and meet the famous fortune teller Vanga. In a series of incredible adventures across Europe Toma discovers the love of his life.